As part of the Knight of Columbus ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy), and working together with the Queenship of Mary Health Ministry, the team put on a Baby Shower to raise awareness, money and donations to support the Center for Great Expectations in Somerset, NJ.
Thank you to Barbara O’Connell, Tara Clewell, Chinky Reyes, Connie Persico and other members of the Health Ministry to planning and decorating for the Baby Shower. Thank you for the brothers for helping the setup, planning and drop off of the money and donations to CGE. Noreen Whittemore from CGE was very grateful for the Queenship donation.
Barbara and Chinky led the party with games and puzzles. Above is the Taking Care of Baby relay. Each team had to pickup an item for the baby (doll) and dress it or pacify it to keep the baby safe and loved. Parents and children had a great time!
Link to ASAP: